On the 13th of January 2024, the "Escola de Gemmologica" of the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Barcelona hosted the 24th symposium of the "Federation for European Education in Gemmology" (FEEG). On this occasion, nine talks were given by distinguished scientists from Spain, Italy, France and Germany. The German Gemmological Association was represented by Dr. Tom Stephan, who gave a lecture on the treatment of morganite and its possible detection. The highlight of the event was the awarding of certificates to the successful graduates of the FEEG examinations in 2022.
Dr. Tom Stephan during his talk in Barcelona (Foto: S. Jaroměřský).
Also four DGemG-graduates received their diplomas in Barcelona:
Nevine Hafez, Egypt
Lucas Invernizzi, France
Štĕpán Jaroměřský, Czech Republic
Sameera Umesh Wariyapperuma, Sri Lanka
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the new "European Gemmologists" once again!
From left: Dr. Tom Stephan with Sameera Umesh Wariyapperuma, Lucas Invernizzi and Štĕpán Jaroměřský.
The next FEEG Symposium will take place on the 19th of October in Brussels, Belgium.
The annual general meeting of all member institutions is also held during FEEG symposia. New appointments were made to the executive comittee in Barcelona. The new FEEG Chairwomen is Dr. Ilaria Adamo from the "Istituto Gemmologico Italiano". Dr. Tom Stephan was elected as Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the FEEG Examination Committee.